Saturday, September 19, 2009


A short while ago, I turned 65. I was not ready to be 65. I have many questions, uncertainties, even fears. Surely I could have been more prepared for this life milestone. Given that I wasn't prepared, I thought it might be helpful to me, and perhaps useful to others, to think and write about some of the issues, opportunities, barriers, and means for seeking out well-being and quality of life at this developmental stage.

A trip to any bookstore reveals a number of books about how to retire, grow old gracefully, cope with aging parents, etc. You've seen them. I think many of these resources are good, and can be of considerable use to and comfort for people who reach the age of 65 or thereabouts. For things change at this age, so much so that it may become difficult to navigate through the changes. I thought a digital handbook, encompassing discussions of a variety of issues, and pointing the way to information resources pertaining to these issues, also might be helpful. Thus, this blog.

This is not a textbook on financial well-being, although the topic may well be broached in this Handbook. Nor is the a handbook about health only, or careers, or any of the single topics about which entire books have been written. This blog is about the exploration of issues more than a prescription for how to live.

We'll see how this thing develops, and if it is of any use to anyone. Thanks for taking part.

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